*easy_to_read_icon* *easy_to_read_icon*

A. Griffante | A. Nikžentaitis | A. Kazimierėnas | A. Kasparavičius | A. Svarauskas | Č. Laurinavičius | D. Mačiulis | E. Gimžauskas | E. Bendikaitė | I. Balčiūnė | M. Pocius | M. Rogers | R. Čepaitienė | R. Laukaitytė | S. Grybkauskas | S. Stasiulis | T. Balkelis | V.KlumbysV. Stravinskienė | V.DavoliūtėV. Sirutavičius

Violeta Davoliūtė

Vyresnioji mokslo darbuotoja

2004 m. Toronto universitete apgynė disertaciją "Testimony: from the Poetics of Place to the Politics of Memory" (Holokausto ir Gulago atmintis ir istorinės reprezentacijos Europoje).

Mokslinių interesų kryptys

  • Atminties studijos
  • Nacionalizmo studijos
  • Priverstinės migracijos ir perkėlimai
  • Kultūros politika ir ideologija

Mokslinių publikacijų sąrašas


  • The Everyday and the Representation of War in Late Modernity (kolektyvinė monografija, autoriai N. Milerius, A. Narušytė, V. Davoliūtė, L. Brašiškis), 2021.
  • Violeta Davoliūtė, Tomas Balkelis, Narratives of Identity and Displacement in Soviet Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States (sud). Budapest: CEU Press, 2018.
  • Violeta Davoliūtė, Tomas Balkelis, Populations Displacement in 20th Century Lithuania: Experiences, Identities, Legacies (sud). Amsterdam: Brill, 2016.
  • Violeta Davoliūtė, The Making and Breaking of Soviet Lithuania: Memory and Modernity in the Wake of War. London: Routledge, 2013.
  • Violeta Davoliūtė, Tomas Balkelis, Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States (sud). Vilnius: LLTI, 2012.

Svarbiausi straipsniai, knygų skyriai, recenzijos

  • "Agonistic homecomings: Holocaust postmemory, perspective and locality", Memory Studies, 15(3), 539–550, 2022.
  • "The Baltic Model of Civic-Patriotic History", Journal of Genocide Research, 24:2, 264-275, 2022.
  • "The Gaze of the Implicated Subject: Non-Jewish Testimony to Communal Violence during the German Occupation of Lithuania", East European Politics and Societies, vol. 20, p. 18, 2022.
  • “Genealogical Writing and Memory of the Holocaust in Lithuania,” East European Jewish Affairs 51.3 (2021).
  • “The Aesthetics of Justice. Recognition and the Holocaust in Soviet Films of the Thaw,” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, 15.1 (2021).
  • “State of the Art in Studies of Late Socialism in the Baltic States,” Sovijus 8.1 (2020): 56-69.
  • “Cold War Cinema and the Traumatic Turn in Europe: Fact (1980) as a Soviet Mirror of the Holocaust Film,” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 14.1 (2020): 57-71.
  • Revolution Rekindled. The Writers and Readers of Late Soviet Biography, by Polly Jones, Lithuanian Historical Review (2020).
  • Holocaust Education in Lithuania. Community, Conflict, and the Making of Civil Society, by Christine Beresniova, Anthropology of East Europe Review (2020).
  • Baltic Socialism Remembered: memory and Life Story since 1989, by Ene Koresaar (ed.), Journal of Baltic Studies 50:4, 2019: 558-559.
  • The Literary Field under Communist Rule, by Aušra Jurgutienė and Dalia Satkauskytė (eds.), Lithuanian Historical Studies 23 (2019): 244-246.
  • “Painful pluralisation: Lithuania’s handling of the past,” Osteuropa 6 (2018): 91-100.
  • “Between the Public and the Personal: A New Stage of Holocaust Memory in Lithuania,” Cultures of History Forum (19 December 2018). “Między publicznym i prywatnym: Nowy etap pamięci Holokaustu na Litwie,” Przegląd Bałtycki (7 January 2019).
  • Violeta Davoliūtė, Lina Kaminskaitė-Jančorienė, “Sovietizacija ir kinas: lytis, tapatybė, ideologija filme „Marytė“ (1947),” Politologija 18.2 (2018): 34-64.
  • “The Entanglement of Historical Experiences. The Memory of the Soviet Deportation of Lithuanian Jews,” “L’imbrication des experiences historiques. La mémoire de la déportation des Juifs lituaniens par les Soviétiques,” Ethnologie française 2 (2018): 209-224.
  • History in Post-Communist Lithuania” (with Tomas Balkelis). Handbook on State Sponsored History after 1945. Edited by Nico Wouters and Berber Bevernage. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 121-138.
  • “Introduction”, Violeta Davoliūtė, Tomas Balkelis. Narratives of Identity and Displacement in Soviet Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States, Budapest: CEU Press, 2018, 1-15.
  • “We Are All Deportees: The Trauma of Displacement and the Consolidation of National Identity during the Popular Movement in Lithuania.” Violeta Davoliūtė, Tomas Balkelis, eds. Narratives of Identity and Displacement in Soviet Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States, Budapest: CEU Press, 2018, 119-146.
  • “Entangled History, History Education, and Affective Communities in Lithuania” (with Dovilė Budrytė) Transitional Justice and the Former Soviet Union: Reviewing the Past and Looking Toward the Future. Edited by Cynthia M. Horne and Lavinia Stan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, 323-344.
  • "Heroes, Villains and Matters of State: The Partisan and Popular Memory in Lithuania Today," Cultures of History Forum(17 November 2017).
  • “Bohaterowie, złoczyńcy i racja stanu. Partyzanci i pamięć zbiorowa we współczesnej Litwie,” Przegląd Bałtycki (28 November 2018).
  • The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: a Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists, by Tarik Cyril Amar. Journal of Baltic Studies 48:3 (2017): 391-393.
  • Vilnius Between Nations: 1795-2000, by Theodore R. Weeks. Journal of Modern History 89.3 (Sep 2017): 740 - 742.
  • “Sovietization and the Cinema in the Western Borderlands: Insurgency, Narrative, and Emancipation in Marytė (1947)” (su Lina Kaminskaite-Jančoriene). Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 3 (2016): 391-408.
  • “The Sovietization of Lithuania after WWII: Modernization, Transculturation and the Lettered City.” Journal of Baltic Studies. Special Issue on Post-Colonialism in the Baltic States 47.1 (2016).
  • “Introduction.” In Population Displacement in Lithuania in the 20th century: Experiences, Identities and Legacies.Amsterdam: Brill, 2016.
  • “A ‘Forgotten’ History of Soviet Deportation: The Case of Lithuanian Jews.” In Population Displacement in Lithuania in the 20th century: Experiences, Identities and Legacies. Amsterdam: Brill, 2016, 167-194.
  • Transitional and Retrospective Justice in the Baltic States, by Eva-Clarita Pettai & Vello Pettai. Journal of Baltic Studies47.3 (2016): 426-28.
  • No Illusions: The Voices of Russia's Future Leaders, by Ellen Mickiewicz. Transitions Online (19 July 2016).
  • “Multidirectional memory and the deportation of Lithuanian Jews.” Ethnicity Studies 2 (2015): 131–150.
  • “Representations of Historical Trauma in the Cinema of Late Twentieth Century France and Lithuania.” In Tatjana Kuharenoka, Irina Novikova, Ivars Orehovs, eds. Memory. Identity. Culture. Riga: LU Akdēmiskais Apgāds, 2015: 175-190.
  • “The Crisis in Ukraine and Lithuania’s European Choice” Transitions Online (7 October 2014).
  • "Post-war Reconstruction and the Imperial Sublime in Vilnius During Late Stalinism." Ab Imperio 2014.1 (2014): 176-203.
  • Children of Rus. Right Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation, by Faith Hillis. Transitions Online (11 December 2014).
  • “Introduction.” In Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States. Vilnius: LLTI, 2012.
  • “The Prague Declaration of 2008 and its Repercussions in Lithuania: Historical Justice and Reconciliation,” Lituanus 57.3 (Fall 2011): 49-62.
  • Vilnius Poker, by Ričardas Gavelis. Slavic and East European Journal 53.3 (2009): 507.
  • Vilnius: City of Strangers, by Laimonas Briedis. Journal of Baltic Studies. 40.1 (2009): 340-42.
  • “Lithuania and the New West-East Migration.” OIKOS: Lithuanian Migration & Diaspora Studies 6.2 (2008): 73-80.
  • “Challenges of Trauma: Migration, Integration and the Role of Cultural Competence.” OIKOS: Lithuanian Migration & Diaspora Studies 5.1 (2008): 41-48.
  • “The Popular Movement and Postmodernism: Reflections on the Cinema of Sąjūdis.” Athena: Philosophical Studies, 3 (2007): 124-134.
  • “Deportee Memoirs and Lithuanian History.” Journal of Baltic Studies 36.1 (Spring 2005): 51-68.
  • "Varlam Shalamov and the Art of Memory.” Canadian Slavonic Papers 46:4 (Spring & Summer 2004): 1-23.
  • “Maps of Traumatic Memory: Representations of the Journeys to the Sites of Holocaust Remembrance in East-Central Europe.” Baltos Lankos (January 2002): 63-76.
  • “The City and the Cityscape in Two Lithuanian Novels: Jurgis Kunčinas' Tūla and Ričardas Gavelis' Vilniaus Pokeris.” Lituanus 44.3 (1998): 56-72.

Mokslo knygų vertimai

Edward W. Said. Orientalism. Vilnius: Apostrofa, 2006.

Naujausių tyrimų temos

  • “The Everyday and the Representation of War in Late Modernity” (VU Filosofijos fakultetas, 2016-2019, vad. N. Milerius)
  • Lietuvos žydų tremtys, 1941 m.

Naujausios akademinės stažuotės

  • Vizituojanti tyrėja Jenos universitete (Imre Kertész Kolleg, 2017-2018)
  • 2016 m. – vizituojanti lektorė École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paryžiuje.
  • 2015 m. - vizituojanti tyrėja Yale universiteto MacMillan Tarptautinių ir regioninių studijų centre, JAV.

Ekspertinė veikla

  • Patariamosios Tarybos narė, ekspertė, ERC finansuojamo projekto "Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena” (vad. Eneken Laanes), Talino Universitetas, žr. [https://translatingmemories.tlu.ee/people/
  • Estijos Mokslų Taryba, ekspertė
  • Europos Komisijos Švietimo, garso ir vaizdo bei kūltūros vykdomosios įstaigos (EACEA) ekspertė


El. paštas – davoliute@gmail.com

ORCID: 0000-0003-0578-971X

Informacija atnaujinta 2024-10-25 14:31

