Balandžio 25 d. 17 val. kviečiame į pirmąją šių metų Vokietijos istorijos instituto Varšuvoje padalinio Vilniuje paskaitų ciklo renginį, kurio metu paskaitą Regions and Nation-Building in East-Central Europe skaitys Vokietijos istorijos instituto Varšuvoje direktoriusprof. dr. Miloš Řezník.
Moderatorius: Dr. Darius Staliūnas (Lietuvos istorijos institutas).
Paskaitos vieta: Vilniaus universiteto Istorijos fakultetas (211 aud.).
Renginys vyks anglų k. (be vertimo).
Paskaitų ciklas rengiamas bendradarbiaujant su Lietuvos istorijos institutu ir Vilniaus universiteto Istorijos fakultetu.
Regions and Nation-Building in East-Central Europe
National movements in the 19th century had a different relationship to regional traditions and cultures. While on the one hand these traditions could be perceived as a threat to national integration, on the other hand they functioned as treasuries of national culture. At the same time, however, national movements produced new forms of regionality and redefined the entity of the regions as such. National movements often grew out of "regional" patriotisms within supra-ethnic units. Other national movements, which did not reach the mass phase and did not result in the formation of a modern nation, transformed into a regional movement, which is still followed today by many current new regionalisms. Miloš Řezník is Director of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw, Professor of European Regional History at the University of Chemnitz, Chairman of the Czech-German Commission of Historians. Fields of research: nation building, regionality, memory, Romanticism, elite in Central Europe, 18th-19th centuries. He published, among other things, the monograph Neuorientierung einer Elite: Aristokratie, Loyalität und Ständewesen in Galizien, 1772-1795, Frankfurt/a.M. 2016.