Maloniai kviečiame Jus į Tiubingeno Eberhardo Karlo universiteto doktoranto Gabriel Wolfson koliokviumą BETWEEN “ARMEEOBERKOMMANDO” AND “OSTJUDEN”: JEWISH MILITARY CHAPLAINS ON THE EASTERN FRONT IN WORLD WAR I, kuris vyks Lietuvos istorijos institute vasario 27 d. 11 val. 320 kabinete.
Koliokviumą moderuos prof. dr. Ruth Leiserowitz, Vokietijos istorijos instituto Varšuvoje direktoriaus pavaduotoja, Berlyno Humboldtų universiteto profesore.
Koliokviumas vyks anglų kalba.
Presenter: PhD Gabriel Wolfson
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Ruth Leiserowitz, Deputy Director of German History Institute in Warsaw, Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin
Colloquium will take place at The Lithuanian Institute of History on the 27th of February 11 am. In the room 320
Daugiau apie kolokviumą:
In this colloquium doctoral candidate Gabriel Wolfson will try to reconstruct the war experience of the 45 Jewish military chaplains employed by the German army during the First World War. |
The activity of the Jewish chaplains not only reflects the presence of Jewish soldiers in the German army (approximately 100,000), but also provides information about the situation of German Jewry during the war and in the pre- and post-war period, since many of the chaplains were community rabbis in peacetime. An essential research goal is thus the visualisation and analysis of the constitutive connection between war, everyday life, religion and culture. The chaplains cared for Jews and non-Jews alike, met with Jewish POWs from various foreign armies, and confronted the so-called “Ostjuden” (Eastern European Jews) with a combination of fascination, reverence, pity and sometimes revulsion. |
More about G. Wolfson:
2018, Freie Universität Berlin, History, Bachelor of Arts
2022, Universität Potsdam, Contemporary History, Master of Arts
Since 2023, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Doctoral candidate, History/Jewish Studies
Research placement in Vilnius/Lithuania (February 2024) provided by Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants of the Max Weber Foundation