We are kindly inviting to participate in the international conference "One hundred years since the Geneva declaration - a historical perspective on childhood, children and their rights in the 20th century", which will take part at Lithuanian institute of History (Vilnius, Tilto str. 17) on 25th–27th of Semptember 2024.
In 1924, the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child addressed for the first time all the nations of the world to affirm the duty of States and individuals to systemic care for children. The 100 years anniversary of the Declaration seems to be a great incentive for further research, we aim at taking an interdisciplinary and retrospective look at the theoretical and practical dynamics of these processes and the resulting development of children‘s rights policies in a comparative perspective in the Baltic Sea region, Eastern Europe and beyond. Hence, the joint conference aims at encouraging interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives on historical research on childhood and children‘s rights as well as children-related family policies.
Keynote speakers:
Maren Röger (Lepzig), Children Born of War – A Never-Ending-Story of Rightlessness in the 20th Century
Friederike Kind-Kovacs (Dresden), From 1924 to 2024: 100 Years of Children's Rights in the Face of War
Organizer: Lithuanian Institute of History, Nordostinstitut (IKGN) and Herder-Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
You can find conference program here.
Contact: ieva.balciune@istorija.lt