
The Year-Book of Lithuanian History
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Guidelines for Authors
Editorial address
Ethical publishing rules

Lietuvos istorijos metraštis (The Year-Book of Lithuanian History) - peer-reviewed scientific journal, published by the Institute of Lithuanian History. The journal is published that since 1971 (once a year until 2000, twice a year since 2001). Lietuvos istorijos metraštis publishes the works of Lithuanian historians and foreign scientists dealing with the history of Lithuania, publications of historical sources, book reviews, discusses scientific conferences, and presents the scientific activities of the Institute of Lithuanian History.

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History““ with the full texts archive (in Lithuanian language):

Editorial Committee

Dr. Gintautas SLIESORIŪNAS (Editor-in-Chief)
Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

Dr. Elmantas MEILUS (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

Dr. Jolita SARCEVIČIENĖ (Executive Secretary)
Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

Editorial Advisory Board

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Prof. Krzysztof BUCHOWSKI
University of Bialystok, Poland

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Prof. Tomasz KEMPA
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

Prof. UAM Bernadetta MANYŚ
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, Lithuania

Prof. habil. dr. Mathias NIENDORF
University of Greifswald, Germany

Prof. Rimvydas PETRAUSKAS
Vilnius University, Lithuania

Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania

Prof. Saulius SUŽIEDĖLIS
Millersville University, USA

Prof. Joachim TAUBER
Nordost Instut in Lüneburg, Germany

Prof. Theodore R. WEEKS
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill., USA

Prof. Andrzej ZAKRZEWSKI
University of Warsaw, Poland

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History““ with the full texts archive (in Lithuanian language):

Contributions and their supplements are accepted as electronic files via e-mail. Our preferred formats include *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.xls for texts and *.gif, *.jpg, *.tif for illustrations. The texts should be arranged in the standard 12-point Times New Roman font, using 1.5 line spacing.

The article should be accompanied by an abstract (up to 800 characters); keywords; summary (up to 3000 characters in the Lithuanian, English, German or French language); and literature and reference list. The abstract and keywords will be published in two languages –Lithuanian and the language of the summary. Authors offering contributions to the journal should also include their personal data: name, surname, degrees held, e-mail address for correspondence, and represented institution. The recommended length of the article (with supplements) should not exceed 1-1.8 author’s sheets (40 000 –72 000 characters with spaces). Publication of longer articles is subject to pre-approval of the editorial board.

Having received favourable peer reviews of an article, the editorial board, before taking the final decision with regard to the publication, organizes the signing of the licence agreement between the author of the article and the Lithuanian Institute of History. For more information see section “Etiniai principai” (Ethical Principles) (subsection “Straipsnių publikavimas ir autorystė” (Publication of Articles and Authorship)) on the webpage of the Yearbook of Lithuanian History.

Contributions should be organized in this sequence: preface, transcription of the original, full source description, textological and subject comments.

Illustrations. By submitting illustrations to their texts the authors certify to the editorial board that they are authorized to publish them in the journal and in its electronic version for an unlimited period of time. The author, who submitted the illustrations, shall be fully liable for any unauthorized use of illustrations or any other copyright infringements.

Citation, reference presentation, and reference list arrangement order followed in the Yearbook:

1. Quotation marks are used for quotations in the same language as the rest of the text and italics for those in a different language.

2. Longer quotations exceeding three lines are presented as a separate paragraph without quotation marks in 11-point fonts with 1.15 line spacing.

3. Quotation omissions are indicated by square brackets [...]. Such brackets are also used to insert the author’s remarks into the cited text; these should also feature the author’s initials in italics following a dash, for example: [illegible word. – V. S.]. Gaps, missing words or phrases in the text are marked by angle brackets <...>.

4. Names of scholars when mentioned for the first time are not shortened. In case of further mentions, the first letter of the given name (the initial) precedes the surname. Names and surnames of authors are presented in their authentic form. Personal names written in Cyrillic and other non-Latin characters should be transcribed taking into consideration their pronunciation and traditions of the Lithuanian language or transliterated letter for letter. If necessary, names of scholars may be adapted (written with Lithuanian endings) and declined in line with the Lithuanian grammar rules. When indicating the used publications in the footnotes, names of scholars are written in their authentic form, the initial preceding the surname. Ancient personal names (before the 20th c.) may be adapted in the text in accordance with present-day spelling rules, presenting their authentic form in the literature and reference list.

5. It is recommended to write the non-Lithuanian personal names of historical figures referred to in the text in their authentic (source) form, unless a different form of that personal name is traditionally used in Lithuanian scientific texts. Such names when mentioned for the first time are not shortened (if both given name and surname are known). In case of further mentions, only the surname is written, unless several persons with identical surname are mentioned, in which case the initial should precede the surname. Personal names written in Cyrillic and other non-Latin characters should be transcribed taking into consideration their pronunciation and traditions of the Lithuanian language or transliterated letter for letter. Non-Lithuanian names of scholars may be adapted (written with Lithuanian endings) and declined in line with the Lithuanian grammar rules. If personal names of historical figures are adapted, at the first mention it is recommended to present their authentic form in parentheses (in italics). Names of gods, saints, emperors, and kings are adapted in line with the rules of the Lithuanian language. Names of dukes, cardinals, and bishops may be adapted. When writing personal names of all countries in line with the abovementioned general principles, their traditional forms should be retained, e.g. Karolis Didysis, Petras Pirmasis (Petras I), Karolis II.

6. Non-Lithuanian common place names are adapted as per the list presented on the webpage of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language “Pasaulio vietovardžiai” (Place names of the World). Place names not featured in the said list are adapted in line with the Lithuanian grammar, adding appropriate endings. Place names written in non-Latin characters should be transcribed taking into consideration their pronunciation and traditions of the Lithuanian language or transliterated letter for letter. Russian place names are transcribed pursuant to the instruction approved by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (Pavardžių, vardų ir vietovardžių transkripcijos iš rusų kalbos į lietuvių kalbą ir iš lietuvių kalbos į rusų kalbą instrukcija. Vilnius: Mokslas, 1990). When writing place names of all countries in line with the abovementioned general principles, their traditional forms should be retained, e.g. Anglija, Lenkija, Prancūzija, Daugpilis, Dauguva, Krokuva, Paryžius, Varšuva, Viena, Genuja, Mantuja. In case of use of a rare place name, which has no usage tradition in the Lithuanian language or there are doubts with regard to its adaptation, it is recommended to insert the authentic form of the place name in parentheses (in italics).

7. Texts in the footnotes (references, comments) are presented at the bottom of the page in 10-point font with 1 line spacing.

8. Reference to a publication should include: first letter(s) of the author’s given name(s) and the surname followed by a comma; the title of the book (with the subtitle if available) in italics also followed by a comma; the place and year of publication as well as the relevant page (all items separated by commas):

V. Jogėla, E. Meilus, V. Pugačiauskas, Lukiškės: nuo priemiesčio iki centro (XV–XX a. pradžia), Vilnius, 2008, p. 42.

9. If the author of the book is not indicated, presumptive, pseudonymous, etc., it is indicated in square brackets:

Lauga [Laurynas Gaudentas], Krašto šviesa, Kaunas, 1921.

10. Square brackets are also used to write not indicated or guessable place of publication ([s. l.] or [Tilžė]) and year of publication ([s. a.] or [1897]).

11. Name of the compiler, translator, etc. of a publication follows its title:

Z. Blynas, Karo metų dienoraštis, 1941–1944 m., parengė G. Rudis, Vilnius, 2007.

Klaipėdos miesto ir valsčiaus evangelikų liuteronų bažnyčių vizitacijų 1676–1685 m. dokumentai, sud. I. Lukšaitė, Klaipėda, 2009.

12. When a multi-volume publication is presented, its general title, volume number, and volume title are indicated in the following order:

Lietuvos istorija, t. III: D. Baronas, A. Dubonis, R. Petrauskas, XIII a. – 1385 m. Valstybės iškilimas tarp Rytų ir Vakarų, Vilnius, 2012.

13. In case a single reference is made to several publications of the same author, “tas pats” (idem) is written instead of the name and “ten pat” (ibid) is written to indicate several successive references to the same publication; in case the same publication of the same author is indicated several times in a row, the abbreviation “min. veik.” (aforementioned publication) is used:

D. Staliūnas, Making Russians. Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus after 1863, Amsterdam/New York, 2007, p. 125; tas pats, Kalba ar konfesija? (Sumanymas įvesti rusų kalbą Vakarų krašto pridėtinėse katalikiškose pamaldose), Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 1999 metai, 2000, p. 129; ten pat, p. 542; A. Tyla, min. veik., p. 26.

14. In case a reference to an article is made, the author, the title of the article, and the title of the publication are indicated (the latter is presented in italics). If the article was published in a compendium of articles or a serial publication, the place and year of its publication (also the volume/number in case of a serial publication) and page(s) should also be indicated. In case the article was published in a (scientific) journal, its volume and/or number, year of publication and page(s) should be indicated. Only numerals (Latin or Arabic) are used to indicate the number of the volume (as in the original):

D. Staliūnas, Kalba ar konfesija? (Sumanymas įvesti rusų kalbą Vakarų krašto pridėtinėse katalikiškose pamaldose), Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 1999, 2000, p. 125–137.

К. Кочегаров, Посольство Артамона Матвеева к гетману Богдану Хмельницкому в 1657 г., Российская история, 2018, № 3, с. 114–115.

A. Abramski, Sądownictwo konfederackie w Polsce w latach 1764–1795, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 1984, t. XXXVI, z. 2, s. 146–147.

15. In case abbreviations are used, the first mention should feature the whole title and the abbreviation in parentheses (depending on the situation, either in italics or not):

Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai (toliau (hereinafter) – BRMŠ).

16. When in the footnotes a reference is made to a source (unpublished) stored in an archive or library, it should contain: title of the document (manuscript), full name of the archive or library (in the original language), fund (indicating fund number and/or name in the original language), inventory (if such is available), file number, and sheet(s) or page(s). In case of repetitive references to the same archive or library, further only abbreviations of the names of such institutions are indicated. Fund names are presented in analogous manner. If several successive footnotes refer to the same archive (fund, inventory, file), it is indicated by writing “ten pat” (ibid):

1752 m. LDK teismo proceso aprašymas, Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Rankraščių skyrius (toliau – LMAVB RS), f. 17, b. 262, l. 5; A. Voldemaro 1923 m. gruodžio 9 d. skundas seimo skundų komisijai, ten pat, f. 172, b. 466, p. 7.

J. M. Karpio 1708 m. vasario 15 d. laiškas K. S. Radvilai iš Gardino, Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, z. 354: Archiwum Warszawskie Radziwiłłów, dział V (toliau – AGAD, AR), nr. 6465/I, p. 163–166.

J. M. Karpio 1708 m. vasario 15 d. laiškas K. S. Radvilai iš Gardino, AGAD, AR, dz. V, nr. 6465/I, p. 163–166.

L. Pociejaus įsakymas, 1710 m. spalio 22 d., Нацыянальны гістарычны архіў Беларусі, ф. 1734, воп. 1, спр. 10, l. 856.

L. Pociejaus įsakymas, 1710 m. spalio 22 d., НГАБ, ф. 1734, воп. 1, спр. 10, l. 856.

Aleksejaus Nikitino, Rusijos pasiuntinio Lenkijos–Lietuvos Respublikoje, ataskaitos išrašas (1696–1699), Архив внешней политики российской империи (toliau – АВПРИ), ф. 79: Сношения России с Польшей, оп. 79/1, 1696–1699, д. 7, 1. 50.

H. Keyserlingo 1736 m. sausio 19 d. pranešimas imperatorei, АВПРИ, ф. 79, оп. 79/1, 1736, д. 8, l. 47–48.

1808 m. mokestis policijos išlaikymui, Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas (toliau – LVIA), f. 937, ap. 1, b. 97, l. 1–48; 1806 m. Vilniaus miesto išlaidos ir pajamos, ten pat, b. 696, l. 1–25.

17. When making references to ancient printings (15th-18th c.) it is recommended to indicate the storage location of the ancient printing and its pressmark:

Ordinacia Trybunału Skarbowego Wielkiego Xięstwa Littewskiego, dnia 4 Ianuarij Anno Domini 1700 zaczętego [Wilno, 1700], Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekos Retų spaudinių skyrius, L-17/2-179/11.

18. When in the footnotes a reference is made to a document (source) contained in a compendium of sources published in other than the Lithuanian language and its title is not informative enough, the author can describe it in more detail in Lithuanian:

J. Pšebendovskio 1711 m. kovo 28 d. laiškas A. Seniavskiui, Listy Jana Jerzego Przebendowskiego podskarbiego wielkiego koronnego do Adama Mikołaja Sieniawskiego wojewody bełskiego i hetmana wielkiego koronnego z lat 1704–1725, oprac. A. Perłakowski, Kraków, 2007, s. 123–124.

19. When in the footnotes a reference is made to an electronic document, the initial letter of the author’s given name and his/her surname, the document’s title (in italics) and [the type of the storage medium] should be indicated followed by the place and year of issuance, and the date of interactive document/link creation. Access date (for interactive documents):

A. Stankevič, Kokios pramogos lydėjo LDK Vyriausiojo tribunolo darbą? [interaktyvus]. Prieiga per internetą: [žr. 2018 10 22].

M. Klovas, E. Meilus, O. Valionienė, Vilniaus senamiesčio posesijų raidos XVI–XVIII a. apžvalga (rankraštis), [interaktyvus]. Prieiga per internetą:–content/uploads/2014/11/Vilniaus–senamiescio–posesiju–raidos–XVI–XVIII–a–apzvalga.pdf [žr. 2018 10 22].

20. The literature and reference list following the article should first of all list the published sources (in alphabetic order, first of all those, whose titles are written in Latin characters, then Cyrillic, etc.). Then (after a 1.5 line space) in an analogous alphabetic manner all the used literature should be presented. The following bibliographic rules should be observed when making the literature and reference list: first of all the surname of the author (in capital letters) is indicated, then, after a comma, it is followed by the full given name(s) of the author (in minuscule letters). After a full-stop the title of the article or book (in italics) is presented. In case of a monograph (study, book), the place of publication and the publishing house are indicated after a full-stop. In case of a multi-volume publication its general title is indicated in the first place. In case it is an article published in a compendium of articles or a serial publication, full name of the author, a full-stop, the title of the article, and another full-stop should be followed by “In:” and relevant page(s) should be indicated at the end of the bibliographic description. In case it is an article published in a journal, the title of the article and a full-stop should be followed by the name of the journal, a comma, and its number/volume, year of publication, and relevant page(s):

LUKŠAITĖ, Ingė. Reformacija Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje ir Mažojoje Lietuvoje: XVI a. trečias dešimtmetis – XVII a. pirmas dešimtmetis. Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 1999.

Lietuvos istorija. t. X, 1 d.: BLAŽYTĖ-BAUŽIENĖ, Danutė... [et al.]. Nepriklausomybė

(1918–1940). Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2013.

VALIKONYTĖ, Irena. „Skundą privalo šaukimuose išdėstyti“: šaukimų į teismą reglamentavimas Pirmajame ir Antrajame Lietuvos Statutuose. In: Lietuvos Statutas: Temidės ir Klėjos teritorijos. Straipsnių rinkinys. Sudarė I. Valikonytė ir N. Šlimienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2017, p. 241–258.

VALIKONYTĖ, Irena. Teismo dokumentų Lietuvos Metrikoje repertuaras: rašto ir teisinės kultūros aspektai Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XVI a. pirmojoje pusėje. In: Istorijos šaltinių tyrimai. T. 2. Sudarė A. Dubonis. Vilnius: Lietuvos istorijos instituto leidykla, 2010, p. 109–127.

SLIESORIŪNAS, Gintautas. The First Occupation of Vilnius during the Great Northern War (April–May 1702). Lithuanian Historical Studies, 2009, vol. 14, p. 71–104.

SLIESORIŪNAS, Gintautas. Vilniaus vyskupas Konstantinas Kazimieras Bžostovskis emigracijoje Prūsijoje 1706–1709 metais. Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 2011/1, 2012, p. 33–45.

PUGAČIAUSKAS, Virgilijus. Vilniaus miesto finansiniai ištekliai XVIII a. pabaigos – XIX a. pirmos pusės pajamų ir išlaidų knygose. Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 2018/2, 2018, p. 55–72.

DYGDAŁA, Jerzy. Z Torunia do Wilna podróż króla Stanisława zimą 1708 roku. Zapiski Historyczne, 2017, t. LXXXII, z. 2, s. 85–99.

21. All articles submitted to the editorial board of the Yearbook are anonymously reviewed by two peer reviewers. In case one of the reviews is negative, the editorial board appoints the third reviewer. For more information on the principles of peer reviewing see section “Etiniai principai” (Ethical Principles) (subsection “Recenzavimo tvarka ir recenzentų atsakomybė” (The Order of Peer Reviewing and the Responsibility of Reviewers)) on the webpage of the Yearbook of Lithuanian History.

22. Texts reviewed by the language editor (in electronic or printed form) are forwarded back to the authors for proof-reading. By submitting their texts after proof-reading the authors agree with their electronic publication on the website and access to them via associated databases.

23. Printed texts and illustrations as well as CDs are not returned to authors.

24. All texts published in the Yearbook are also available on the electronic edition of the journal online.

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History““ with the full texts archive (in Lithuanian language):

Lithuanian Institute of History

Tilto Street 17 , LT- 01101 Vilnius

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History““ with the full texts archive (in Lithuanian language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „The Year-Book of Lithuanian History““ with the full texts archive (in Lithuanian language):