
Lithuanian Historical Studies
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Guidelines for Authors
Editorial address
Ethical publishing rules

Lithuanian Historical Studies (LHS) is an academic peer-reviewed English-language periodical journal, published annually by the Lithuanian Institute of History. Its aim is to progress and disseminate historical research on Central and Eastern Europe, with special focus on Lithuania and the neighbouring states. 
Even though most of the published studies cover political, social, religious, economic and cultural topics, yet the journal welcomes submission of innovative and multidisciplinary research. Besides the scientific articles, the LHS also publishes new or little-known source material, book reviews and notices, abstracts of the defended dissertations in history in Lithuania, and other relevant material. 
All submissions undergo a rigorous peer review process, based on double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two specialist referees. The accepted articles that were submitted in Lithuanian are translated into English at the journal’s expense.

Indexing and Abstracting

EBSCO Historical Abstracts 
EBSCO Historical Abstracts with Full Text 
EBSCO Historical Abstracts with Full Text Alumni Edition 
Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) 
The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source

More information about the journal „Lithuanian Historical Studies“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

Dr. Tomas Balkelis (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 

Managing Editor 
Dr. Jolita Sarcevičienė (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) – Managing Editor 

Book review Editor 
Dr. Darius Staliūnas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 

International Advisory Board 
Dr. Darius Baronas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 
Prof. Richard Butterwick-Pawlikowski (University College London, UK) 
Prof. Robert Frost (University of Aberdeen, UK) 
Dr. Saulius Grybkauskas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 
Dr. Česlovas Laurinavičius (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 
Prof. Vėjas G. Liulevičius (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA) 
Prof. Mathias Niendorf (University of Greifswald, Germany) 
Dr. Vasilijus Safronovas (Klaipėda University, Lithuania) 
Prof. Saulius Sužiedėlis (Millersville University, USA) 
Dr. Gintautas Sliesoriūnas (Lithuanian Institute of History, Lithuania) 
Prof. David J. Smith (University of Glasgow, UK) 
Dr. Aurimas Švedas (Vilnius University, Lithuania) 
Dr. Joachim Tauber (Nordost-Institut, Germany) 
Prof. Theodore R. Weeks (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill., USA) 
Prof. Amir Weiner (Stanford University, USA) 
Prof. Bradley Woodworth (University of New Haven, USA)

More information about the journal „Lithuanian Historical Studies“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

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More information about the journal „Lithuanian Historical Studies“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „Lithuanian Historical Studies“ with the full texts archive (in English language):

More information about the journal „Lithuanian Historical Studies“ with the full texts archive (in English language):