
Call for proposals – International Congress "Rethinking Ukraine and Europe: New Challenges...

Call for proposals – International Congress "Rethinking Ukraine and Europe: New Challenges for Historians"

Dear potential participants,

We invite historians to apply for participation in the International Congress “Rethinking Ukraine and Europe: New Challenges for Historians”, which will be held on September 14-17, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The main goal of the Congress is to discuss a new narrative of the history of Ukraine and the entire Central and Eastern European region. The two conference days will include thematic panel discussions, presentations of grant programmes for historical research, and networking.

For speakers of panel discussions, as well as participants from Ukraine, the organizers can cover the following expenses: accommodation (three nights in a hotel in Vilnius, September 14-17), travel (train and bus tickets), and meals during the congress. There is also a possibility of partial coverage of expenses for participants from other countries.

Please fill out the form by May 15, 2023 (inclusive). Participation in the Congress is on a competitive basis, and the results of the competition will be communicated to you by e-mail by June 1, 2023.